Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Install Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Ribbon" from USB flash

Install Ubuntu 7.10 from USB Flash Drive

A. Checking your USB stick

Booting from USB memory sticks is neat, but there is no guarantee that it works with your particular combination of computer and USB stick. Even if you are able to boot from your flash drive on one computer, this does not mean that it is going to work with the next one. You can try experimenting with different settings in your PC's BIOS to make it work.

B. Making your flash drive bootable with SYSLINUX

SYSLINUX is a boot loader that operates off an MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem. Most USB flash drives come with a FAT filesystem. Here's how you can add a SYSLINUX bootblock to your USB stick, link download TAR GZ FIle for Linux, ZIP file for windows

1. installed syslinux" and "mtools" on your PC, on Ubuntu :$ sudo apt-get install syslinux mtools
2. Attach your USB flash drive to your computer and mount it.
3. Make the flash drive bootable, for Windows on dir win32 use command : syslinux -s F: (
assuming F is your USB) drive for linux use: syslinux -s /dev/sdb1. (assuming that /dev/sdb1 is your usb flash drived mounted)
4. should see a new file called ldlinux.sys in the root directory of your flash drive.

C. Copying the Ubuntu CD to your flash drive

Copy the contents of the Ubuntu installation CD to your flash drive dont copy an ISO image of the installation CD file to your flash drive.

From a Windows command prompt use : xcopy /e /h /k d:\*.* f: (assuming that D: is your CD-ROM drive and F: is the USB stick:).

D. Rename Directory and files

Rename the isolinux directory to syslinux and the two files isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg to syslinux.bin and syslinux.cfg on syslinux directory.

E. Boot Computer from your USB flash drive.

Referent from here

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New Office New Jobs

Dah sebulan pindah ke kantor baru, semuanya serba baru
mulai dari teman kerja sampai program dan Operating System yang di gunakan...
lokasi kantor yang sekarang ini juga baru jauh dari pusat kota tapi sangat nyaman..
pergi kerja tidak jauh, gak macet dan pulang juga gitu....

kantor yang sekarang OS untuk user pakai open source atau lebih di kenal dengan linux,
pilihannya mengunakan linux UBUNTU Feisty 7.04
alasan nya selain mudah mudah porses instalasinya dan dan juga udah lengkap aplikasinya
untungnya user dikantor yang baru ini semuangya orang IT jadi tidak perlu mengasih tahu terlalu ditel.
tapi saking sibuknya sebulan ini jarang ol jadinya...........heheee

dari bebera bulan ini banyak banget ilmu yang di dapat
mulai mail server opensource, DNS Server dan Firewall router.
pada dasar di akntor bar cukub menyenangkan dan banyak tantangannya
tapiyang kurang di sini rasa kekeluargaan dan karir....
kalau di lihat dr struktur perusahaan kariir mentok disini..sebagai system support.
tp yang penting sekarang dijalani aja duluu..